


1. 同 [tóng]2. 同 [tòng]同 [tóng]一样,没有差异;相~。~一(a.一致,统一;b.共同的一个或一种)。~侪(同辈)。~庚(同岁)。~年。~胞。~人(a.在同一单位工作的人;b.同行业的人)。~仁(同人)。~仇敌忾。……




共同合作,和洽:~商。~定。~和。~调(tiáo )。~议。帮助,辅助:~助。~同。~理。……





汉语拼音:tóng xīn xié lì








  • 【解释】:心:思想;协:合。团结一致,共同努力。
  • 【出自】:汉·贾谊《过秦论》:“且天下尝同心并力攻秦矣,然困于险阻而不能进者,岂勇力智慧不足哉?”《周书·崔谦传》:“然后与宇文行台,同心协力,电讨不庭,则桓文之勋,复兴于兹日矣。”
  • 【示例】:只要我们大家~,就没有克服不了的困难。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义


  1. The opposition was critical of this so-called solidarity with Greece, arguing that it was an irresponsible step.


  2. Hundreds in her community and surrounding areas teamed up to help her and her family.


  3. It's going to be tough at Stoke but we will have to stand up and fight, stick together and if we get a win, that would be a superb result.


  4. Observing at the telescope was among the hardest, most demanding work that any of us did and we were all in it together.


  5. We're going to need everybody's input on this project. So I'd like to fix a time to meet next week and hear what you all have to say.


  6. Climate change cannot be solved in one country but has got to be solved by the world working together.


  7. "Boys, " said the father wearily, "I want you to keep the land together and to be guided by your sister. "


  8. Let us work together to protect their innovation, and that of future generations.


  9. Let's say this in simpler terms. We need all of you to help bring our sale numbers around next quarter!


  1. 我们同心协力。

    We're in this together.

  2. 他们同心协力。

    They combined their efforts.

  3. 必须决心同心协力

    committed to working in concert.

  4. 同心协力共创未来

    Be of one mind to make the future

  5. 同心协力战胜夏季大负荷

    To Meet Summer Peak Demand by Concerted Efforts

  6. 世道艰难,我们要同心协力。

    Times are hard, and we all have to pull together.

  7. 他们发誓同心协力,报效国家。

    They swore to serve their country.

  8. 可以是同心协力, 也可以是狼狈为奸。

    Be hand in glove with sb.

  9. 我们同心协力把工作做完了。

    We cooperated well to get the work done.

  10. 他同心协力克服了这些困难。

    With concerted efforts they pulled through the difficulties.

  11. 实行我们的计划需要同心协力。

    The execution of our plan requires teamwork.

  12. 与内地同心协力提高食物安全

    Concerted efforts with Mainland to enhance food safety

  13. 我们同心协力,像真正的男子汉。

    Let's do it together, and take it like a real man.

  14. 让我们同心协力, 实现这个目标。

    We look forward to working with you to achieve that.

  15. 同心协力, 精诚至一, 追求卓越!

    Being of one mind and absolute sincerity, striving for the superexcellence!

  16. 同时, 我更深信同心协力的重要。

    I am fully aware of the power in unity of purpose and direction.

  17. 要取得最后胜利, 你们必须同心协力。

    You must pull together in order to win final victory.

  18. 我们保持镇定, 同心协力就没有问题。

    If we keep calm and stick together, well be all right.

  19. 要取得最后胜利,我们必须同心协力。

    You must pull together in order to win final victory.

  20. 只要他们同心协力, 就能克服困难。

    If they would only pull together they would succeed in overcoming the difficulties.

  21. 当我们同心协力,就能达到这个目的。

    When we work together, this can be achieved.

  22. 我们必须同心协力预防更大的灾难。

    We must all fight together to prevent further evil.

  23. 我们要同心协力尽快完成这项任务。

    We should make a concerted effort to finish this task as soon as possible.

  24. 我们要同心协力尽快完成这项任务。

    We should make a concerted effort to finish this task as soon as possible.

  25. 如果他们同心协力,他们的计划是能成功的。

    If they all hang together, they can succeed in their plan.

  26. 如果我们大家同心协力, 战斗就会胜利。

    We can win the fight if we all stand shoulder to shoulder.

  27. 如果我们同心协力,我们的计划一定能成功。

    If we all hang together, we are sure to succeed in our plan.

  28. 只有大家同心协力,我们才能最终取得胜利。

    We can win finally only we are be of one mind.

  29. 在危急关头, 大家就能捐弃前嫌, 同心协力。

    In a crisis, old prejudices fall away and everyone works together.

  30. 我们应同心协力以援助遭水灾的灾民。

    We must coordinate our efforts to help the flood victims.


  1. 问:同心协力拼音怎么拼?同心协力的读音是什么?同心协力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同心协力的读音是tóngxīnxiélì,同心协力翻译成英文是 to wok in full cooperation and with unity of purp...



解释心:思想;协:合。团结一致,共同努力。出处汉·贾谊《过秦论》:“且天下尝同心并力攻秦矣,然困于险阻而不能进者,岂勇力智慧不足哉?”《周书·崔谦传》:“然后与宇文行台,同心协力,电讨不庭,则桓文之勋,复兴于兹日矣。”示例我自愿漆身吞炭,尝胆卧薪,同心协力期雪耻,须歃血为誓。 ★明·朱鼎《玉镱台记·新亭流涕》只要我们大家~,就没有克服不了的困难。明冯梦龙《东周列国志》第四十三回:“秦穆公临别,与晋文公相约:‘异日若有军旅之事,秦兵出,晋必助之;晋兵出,秦亦助之。彼此同心协力,不得坐视。’”