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汉语拼音:gēn dì
亦作“ 根蔕 ”。植物的根及瓜果的把儿。比喻事物的根基或基础。
《三国志·蜀志·蒋琬传》:“今 魏 跨带九州,根蔕滋蔓,平除未易。” 唐 裴铏 《传奇·孙恪》:“向观弟神采,阴夺阳位,邪于正腑,真精已耗……根蒂荡动,骨将化土。” 清 孙枝蔚 《采苹》诗:“百物贵根蒂,汝独委行潦。” 郭沫若 《前茅·黄河与扬子江对话》诗:“就是一切欺人骗人的偶像……都要消毁得个干干净净,不许他们有一些根蒂留存!”
宋 惠洪 《冷斋夜话·西昆体》:“然 荆公 晚年亦或喜之,而字字有根蔕。”《警世通言·陈可常端阳仙化》:“你却説这样没根蒂的话来!”
We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works.
然而,本公司甘愿答应与贵公司先实行试试合作,为此后合作打下根蒂根基。'The idea that napalm was made by Dow Chemical, you started to think, 'These guys are really evil', ' Mr. Argenti says.
阿根蒂说,“想到凝固汽油弹是陶氏化学公司(DowChemical)制造的,你或许会想,‘这些人可真坏啊。’”Our civil work include construction of roannouncementsand constructs and soundings and reinforced concrete structure.
我们的土建管事包括建造路线、建筑物、根蒂和钢筋混凝土构造。Project supported by the National Basic Research Foundation for "Nonlinear Science" of Chellona (Grant No. ).
国度根蒂根基研究“非线性科学”基金(核准号:)输将的课题。Bnd this great republic, born alone in liberty, is leading the world toward a new age when freedom belongs to all nations.
这个在自由根蒂根基上降生的伟大国家,整带领全世界走向一个新时代,这个时代平易近主将属于所有的国家。Project supported by the National Major Fundamental Research Program of Chellona (Grant No. ).
国度重大根蒂根基研究项目(核准号:)输将的课题。Project supported by the National Basic Research in "Climbing" Program of Chellona (Grant No. ).
国度攀缘规划根蒂根基研究(核准号:)输将的课题。For the fruit of good labours is glorious, and the root of wisdom never faileth.
因为高尚的劳苦必结荣誉的果实,智慧的根蒂绝不会中断。Is together is most importantly tolerant and the compromise, in trusts and in the understanding foundation.
He had the root of the matter in himself.
我们曾经临近10个根蒂阶段中的第7阶段了 吗
Are we close to being a 7 on a scale of 10 yet
我们曾经临近10个根蒂阶段中的第7阶段了 吗
Are we close to being a 7 on a scale of 10 yet
她必降至你的根蒂, 撼动它们对土壤的执著。
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.
因为高尚的劳苦必结荣誉的果实, 智慧的根蒂绝不会中断。
For the fruit of good labours is glorious, and the root of wisdom never faileth.