




1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……



汉语拼音:yōu cháng








  1. 久远;漫长。

    《汉书·叙传上》:“道悠长而世短兮,夐冥默而不周。” 三国 魏 曹丕 《离居赋》:“愁耿耿而不寐,歷冬夜之悠长。” 宋 范仲淹 《老人星赋》:“发天文之炳焕,符帝德之悠长。” 戴望舒 《雨巷》诗:“撑着油纸伞,独自彷徨在悠长、悠长又寂寥的雨巷。”

  2. 深长。

    明 胡应麟 《诗薮·国朝下》:“中 唐 格调流宛,而意趣悠长。”《平山冷燕》第二回:“览《四瑞图》诗,体式端穆,意味悠长。” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·杜少陵诗》:“一唱三叹,意味悠长。”

  3. 指声音徐缓持久。

    清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷三:“曰‘声依永’,言声韵之贵悠长也。” 冰心 《我的邻居》:“忽然一声悠长的汽笛,惨厉的叫了起来。”



  1. Then, like the long withdrawing sound of a receding wave, the sense of night and sea and warmth went from him.

  2. For 51 long years Bob had to feel his way through life, surrounded by complete darkness.

  3. On the journey of life, time melancholy floats upon the passed road like an enduring song, in which beauty is engraved with wrinkles.

  4. The concentrated palate provides flavours of passionfruit and grapefruit, with a fine texture and long finish.

  5. Synopsis: Petrie 's moves have all been solid as he goes about rebuilding, but it's probably going to be another long season in Sac Town.

  6. Like a long elegymade of memory and life, the author sang for the ancient city alone which had disappeared in his heart.

  7. The difficult bit has always been balancing the yearning for an impressive sexual CV and the longing for a wife, family, and home.

  8. But perhaps the length of quiet time thus afford was really good , although its duration weighed upon her .

  9. It may taste great as it goes down, but to the body what you're drinking is poison.


  1. 口感细致,余味悠长。

    The wines are rich,fruity,and spicy,with minty and mineral aromas.

  2. 夏天天气炎热, 白昼悠长。

    Summer is hot and the days are long.

  3. 静水流深,岁月悠长。

    Still waters run deep, long, years.

  4. 旋律悠长徐缓,富于变化。

    The melody is lingering, and rich in variations.

  5. 年华不虚度,生命自悠长。

    Life is long if it is full.

  6. 青春的遐想是悠长的想。

    And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts.

  7. 悠长的岁月已经过去了。

    A long procession of years had passed by.

  8. 泡一个悠长美好的澡。

    A nice,long bath.

  9. 泡一个悠长美好的澡。

    A nice, long bath.

  10. 那忧悒而悠长的眼神呵

    A lone pair of watchful eyes

  11. 单宁柔顺, 回味丰富悠长。

    Tannins are soft finishing the wine with medium length.

  12. 斑驳的树影, 悠长的蝉音。

    With dappled shadow of trees and lingering sound of cicada.

  13. 我们可以有个悠长的对话。

    We can have a fairly Iong conversation.

  14. 光明远景尚有一悠长距离。

    Prospects were bright only in their long range aspect.

  15. 闷热的正午仿佛无尽地悠长。

    The sultry noon seemed endlessly long.

  16. 酒体圆润优雅, 余韵细致悠长。

    Round and elegant wine in finesse finish.

  17. 单宁柔软, 收结悠长, 顺滑。

    Soft tannins and lingering finish complete this wine.

  18. 酒体丰厚, 余味鲜爽而悠长。

    The wine is weighty and has a lingering and crisp finish.

  19. 在华藏世界, 时光是如此悠长。

    In the Avatamsaka world there is a lot of time.

  20. 而且,香草和白檀的回味悠长。

    Long lingering finish of vanilla and sandalwood.

  21. 优雅酒体, 细致的内涵, 余韵悠长。

    Elegant wine offers finesse texture in lingering finish.

  22. 钟声浑厚,回声悠长,远播15公里。

    The sound produced by the bell is deep, and its echo spreads as far as 15 kilometres.

  23. 以科学的神话以及时间结局的悠长。

    With the fairy tales of science, and the long result of time.

  24. 浓郁饴糖及红果余味愉悦而悠长。

    Rich and elegant flavours of caramel and red fruit linger quite pleasingly.

  25. 黑夜无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来

    The dark night regardless of is how long, the daytimegeneral meeting arrives

  26. 酒体十分平衡,余味和谐而悠长。

    In the palate, it shows very well structured and balanced.Aftertaste is long and harmonious.

  27. 风格酒体轻盈, 口感柔顺, 余韵悠长。

    StyleLight bodied whit wine, smooth and mellow texture with long finish.

  28. 它的悠长影响更甚帝国与战争。

    Its purpose and call has outlasted empires, and wars.

  29. 岁月悠长,桑姆这样过日子已习以为常了。

    Same took his long days as a matter of course.

  30. 暗恋的思念没有甜蜜,只有悠长的钝痛。

    Like of the missing not sweet, only long blunt painful.


  1. 问:悠长拼音怎么拼?悠长的读音是什么?悠长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悠长的读音是yōucháng,悠长翻译成英文是 drawn-out

  2. 问:悠长假期拼音怎么拼?悠长假期的读音是什么?悠长假期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悠长假期的读音是,悠长假期翻译成英文是 Long Vacation



悠长,1.久远;漫长。2.深长。 3.指声音徐缓持久。 形容词。