


说出自己的理由来,否定旁人的意见:批~。~斥。~倒(dǎo )。反~。~论。~议。颜色不纯夹杂着别的颜色:斑~。~杂。大批货物用船分载转运:~运。~船(转运用的小船。亦作“拨船”)。……


1. 倒 [dǎo]2. 倒 [dào]倒 [dǎo]竖立的东西躺下来:摔~。墙~了。~塌。~台。打~。卧~。对调,转移,更换,改换:~手。~换。~车。~卖。~仓。~戈。倒 [dào]位置上下前后翻转:~立。~挂。~影。~置。把容器反转或倾……



汉语拼音:bó dǎo








  1. 成功地否定了对方的意见。

    蔡东藩 许廑父 《民国通俗演义》第八九回:“ 段总理 驳倒 李 陈 等电文,乐得放心做去。” 鄢国培 《漩流》第十二章:“他斜视了一眼 徐宁山 ,觉得不先驳倒他,今后就不好办。”



  1. Whether he could out-argue those clean-cut fireside frolics, with "real pleasure" dangling from his lower lip, he never knew.


  2. Litten's demolition of Hitler's argument that the Nazis were a peaceful, democratic movement earned the lawyer years of brutal persecution.


  3. When the next speaker produced all those facts, he knocked the bottom out of my arguments.


  4. "The argument that they couldn't withstand the forces of head-butting seems to have been refuted by this evidence, " said Dr Theodor.


  5. Given the history of the EELV program, and many other examples, that assertion is pretty easy to refute.


  6. The irrationality of a thing is not an argument against its existence, rather, a condition of it.


  7. His pithy comments knocked the bottom out of my argument.


  8. When the regime could no longer refute the evidence, they finally approved rehabilitating the coral reef and making it into a marine refuge.


  9. As soon as the book appeared, it was just demolished, it was blown out of the water.


  1. 驳倒一种观念

    explode an idea

  2. 是否能把我驳倒

    You could refute what I was saying.

  3. 驳倒了对手的证词。

    To refute his counterpart's testimony.

  4. 不可能否认或者驳倒。

    impossible to deny or disprove.

  5. 我能驳倒他的论点。

    I was able to refute his argument.

  6. 你非去驳倒他们不可。

    You've got to talk them down.

  7. 律师将起诉人的话驳倒。

    The lawyer talked the prosecutor down.

  8. 我很容易就驳倒了他。

    I refuted him easily.

  9. 一定要彻底驳倒这种言论。

    We must demolish this contention.

  10. 他神速出击,驳倒了对手。

    He wears his opponents down with his quick jabs.

  11. 他在辩论中驳倒了她。

    He bested her in the argument.

  12. 用强有力的论据驳倒对方

    mowed down the opposition with strong arguments.

  13. 委员会彻底驳倒了那个论点。

    The committee blew the thesis sky-high.

  14. 他能够在辩论中驳倒他们。

    He can score them off in the debate.

  15. 他未能驳倒对方的辩论者。

    He was unable to confute the debater.

  16. 以内那样会驳倒爱的定律。

    Such a thing would refute the Law of Love.

  17. 他驳倒所有批评他计划的人。

    He outshouted all critics of his scheme.

  18. 他毫无困难地驳倒了老师。

    He had no difficulty in ague his teacher down.

  19. 演化也可以用别的方法驳倒。

    Evolution could be disproved in other ways, too.

  20. 这个发言人驳倒了反方的观点。

    The speaker refuted his opponent's arguments.

  21. 我的观点被其他人驳倒了。

    My idea was shot down by everyone else.

  22. 一个反例就会驳倒一个理论。

    Every contrary example is a nail in the coffin of a theory.

  23. 一个反例就会驳倒一个理论。

    Every contrary example is a nail in the coffin of a theory.

  24. 你可以很容易驳倒他的论据。

    You can easily refute his argument.

  25. 他们的反对被成功地驳倒了。

    Their objections were successfully argued against.

  26. 我被他驳倒了,只得承认失败。

    I was floored by his argument and had to admit defeat.

  27. 那证据驳倒了律师提出的理由。

    The evidence demolished the attorneys case.

  28. 这个证据彻底驳倒了她的论点。

    The evidence completely destroyed her argument.

  29. 他毫无困难地驳倒了这个谬论。

    He had no difficulty in disposing of the fallacy.

  30. 辩护人在法庭上驳倒了起诉人。

    The defender argued down the prosecutor at the court.


  1. 问:驳倒拼音怎么拼?驳倒的读音是什么?驳倒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驳倒的读音是bódǎo,驳倒翻译成英文是 to defeat in an argument; outargue; to surpas...

  2. 问:驳倒某人拼音怎么拼?驳倒某人的读音是什么?驳倒某人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驳倒某人的读音是Bódǎo mǒurén,驳倒某人翻译成英文是 to score a point over somebody/ score points off s...



部首:马 结构: 左右 造字法: 会意 笔画: 7画 英语: 反驳 refute 五笔码: CQQY 造句:有时,为了驳倒他的一个貌似正确的“论点”,我们常常会在课后花好几个小时甚至几天的时间去思考和论证。

近义词:反 驳 驳斗 辩论
