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液体降落:感激涕~。植物凋谢:~落。凋~。~散(sàn )。整数以外的尾数:~数儿。部分的,细碎的,与“整”相对:~碎。~卖。~钱。~售。~乱。~工。~打碎敲。整数系统中一个重要的数,小于一切自然数,是介于正数和负数之间唯一的数,记作“0”……
古地名。在今 湖南 宁远 东南。相传 舜帝 葬于此。
《史记·五帝本纪》:“﹝ 舜 ﹞南巡狩,崩於 苍梧 之野,葬於 江 南 九疑 ,是为 零陵 。” 裴駰 集解引《皇览》:“ 舜冢 在 零陵 营浦县 。” 汉 应劭 《风俗通·声音·管》:“昔 章帝 时, 零陵 文学 奚景 ,於 冷道 舜祠 下得生白玉管。” 吴恭亨 《诸将》诗之一:“鬼责人非事可知, 零陵 一旅起参差。”
He said it included threats to murder three people: a vice director of the Lingling district courthouse, a judge and a lawyer.
信中恐吓将谋杀三人:零陵区法院的副院长、一位法官和律师。Lingling Finally an analysis of a tobacco factory in the implementation process of the questions that may arise, as well as attention.
最后分析了零陵卷烟厂在实施过程中可能出现的问题,以及注意事项。Speaking to Caixin, a source close to the Lingling district public security department confirmed the letter's existence.
接近零陵区公共安全部门的人向财新网证实,信件确实存在。Authorities have withheld other details about Zhu's court run-ins, including his past communications with Lingling courthouse officials.
当局拒绝披露更多的法庭争论详情,包括朱军与零陵区法院以往的交流信息。In the days that followed, more than 100 people from around the area gathered in front of the Lingling courthouse. They came to honor Zhu.
随后几天,零陵区法院周围聚集了100余人,他们敬仰朱军。This is online map of the address "Yang Jia Xiang Xiang Yang Jia Xiang Cun , Lingling District, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, China" .
这是地址“中国湖南省永州市零陵区杨家巷乡杨家巷村”匹配的在线电子地图。This is online map of the address "Lan Jiao Shan Zhen Ling Ling Da Dao , Lengshuitan District, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, China" .
这是地址“中国湖南省永州市冷水滩区岚角山镇零陵大道”匹配的在线电子地图。This is online map of the address "Da Qing Ping Xiang Ling Mian Jiao Cun , Lingling District, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, China" .
这是地址“中国湖南省永州市零陵区大庆坪乡岭面脚村”匹配的在线电子地图。This is online map of the address "He Xian Guan Xiang Guan Yin Chong Cun , Lingling District, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, China" .
Lingling Hydraupower Equipment General Plant
Teaching Research on Basic Experiment of Engineering in Lingling Institute