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1. 宁 [níng]2. 宁 [nìng]3. 宁 [zhù]宁 [níng]平安,安定:~静。~谧。息事~人。已嫁的女子或在外子女回家省视父母:~亲。归~。守父母之丧,丧假:“前博士弟子父母死,予~三年”。中国江苏省南京市的别称。中国宁……
汉语拼音:níng mì
《周书·文帝纪下》:“朕所以垂拱九载,实资元辅之力,俾九服寧謐,诚赖翊赞之功。” 明 张居正 《答上师相徐存斋书》:“今岁秋防无警,朝野寧謐,皆老师之所遗也。” 辛雷 《一个爱说梦话的人》:“江面幽暗,静穆而宁谧。”
All of a sudden, loud scream from the depths of the reed came out to play the quiet of this piece of reed.
突然,一声尖叫从芦苇深处传来,打灭了这片芦苇的宁谧。Among the fisherman, we invariably choose the one erected in the courtyard of the beautiful serenity of the arbor mesh premises.
在众多的渔家中,我们不约而同地选择了一家庭院中搭了网状凉棚的美丽宁谧的处所。A pattern of wild geese , flying low and unconcerned above the hills, wavered against the serene ashen evening .
雁队冷漠地在山头飞过,在宁谧灰色的傍晚显得很飘逸。He sought, therefore, refuge in pure spiritual consciousness, and that is the right path for peace and harmony.
只有托庇于纯粹的灵性知觉意识,才是达至宁谧和谐的正途。smile can turn a hostility into friendship, to make the world more peace and quiet, fewer war and blood and tears.
微笑能化干戈为玉帛,让世界多了份和平与宁谧,少了份战争和血泪;Not old hot springs in the mountains because of remoteness , not many tourists, still retain the original form, and the quiet atmosphere.
不老温泉由于地处偏僻山中,游客并不多,所以至今仍保有原始的形态,以及宁谧的气氛。From the hole in soft diffused light, the light open, have a kind of religious inside the serenity breath.
从园洞进来柔和漫射光,照亮空阔的内部,有一种宗教的宁谧气息。Only one and I related is this the serenity and lonely road .
唯一与我相关的是这条宁谧而孤单的路Serenity (still) on the bottom of my heart
The days were peaceful and serene.
可爱的白天呵!凉爽, 光明, 宁谧。
Sweet day, so cool, so bright.
天空给了人们空间, 和平和宁谧。
The sky gives space and peace and serenity.
What silence, too, arrived with the and seclusion!
True tranquility is not dependent on a troubleless world.
This tranquil site is located in the world s highest plateau, the
我们曾经靠在一起, 分享像这样短暂的宁谧。
We had been leaned against with other at one time. And shared the transient of quiets.
我们曾经靠在一起, 分享像这样短暂的宁谧。
We had been leaned against with other at one time. And shared the transient of quiets.
突然, 一声尖叫从芦苇深处传来, 打灭了这片芦苇的宁谧。
Suddenly, a shriek reed, from the depths of the reed destroyed NingMi.
Suddenly, a shriek reed, from the depths of the reed destroyed NingMi.
A pattern of wild geese, flying low and unconcerned above the hills, wavered against the serene ashen evening.