







汉语拼音:cái jù








  1. 才能。

    《三国志·蜀志·彭羕传》:“卿才具秀拔,主公相待至重。” 宋 叶适 《舒彦升墓志铭》:“贪吏横聚敛,而世以为有才具。” 茅盾 《子夜》五:“ 屠维岳 的才具,是看得准的,所不能无过虑者,是这位青年人的思想。”



  1. The team found that a direct stare is attractive only if the person giving it looks as if they like you.


  2. But that is not enough. Good and uniform quality has no meaning except with reference to the customer's needs.


  3. Presidential leadership in the great liberal advances has generally come from men of wealth or family position or both.


  4. In many upland situations, however, only perennial tree based cropping systems will allow sustainability.


  5. But that is not enough. Good and uniform quality have no meaning except with reference to the customer's needs.


  6. The outfit will be competitive only with a margin of around 10%.


  7. In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women.


  8. In this world only those men who reficwoulsly feel happy can give women happiness.


  9. They are particularly good at using female talent.


  1. 我明年才具资格。

    I will get my qualification next year.

  2. 介意和勤奋才具抓住机遇。

    Care and diligence bring luck.

  3. 而才具受害人往往不是准备。

    And when it does, too often the victim is not prepared for it.

  4. 但凡有才具之人都容易骄傲。

    Talented people get proud easily.

  5. 但凡有才具之人都容易骄傲。

    Talented people get proud easily.

  6. 才具是生中胜利得条件之一。

    He is in conditionout of condition to travel.

  7. 艺术品需被多数人理解才具价值

    A work of art must be understandable to most people to have merit

  8. 与以方的任何协议,需巴方两党共同签署才具效力。

    No deal with Israel will stick unless both Palestinian groups endorse it.

  9. 烹饪要点鱼丸要用汤煨一下, 才更具鲜味和口感。

    Cooking points fish soup simmer about to use only more flavor and taste.

  10. 昆虫,细菌的基因图谱才是最具意义的

    and every insect and every bacteria that really makes a difference.

  11. 他摘下面具我才知道他是谁。

    I did not know who he was until he took off his mask.

  12. 直到完全掌握了权力这具独裁者才原形毕露。

    The dictator avoided showing his true colors until he had gained full power

  13. 接著碰触其中一具尸体才承认是真的。

    Then he touched one and realized.

  14. 接著碰触其中一具尸体才承认是真得。

    Then he touched one and realized.

  15. 只有事实具在,才令民众信服并敬佩。

    Nothing but facts can convince the public and arouse their admiration.

  16. 只有极具敏感度的人才能欣赏这幅画所有微妙的细微差异。

    Only a person of greatest sensibility would appreciate all the subtle nuances of this painting.

  17. 一方面,他正是教皇约翰·保罗所认可的那种圣徒:一位颇具神授天赐才能的人物,业已取得足够多的超凡功绩以作长时间如实的传颂。

    On the one hand, he is exactly the sort of saint Pope John Paul approves of: a person imbued with charisma who has achieved enough remarkable feats to keep the faithful talking for a very long time.

  18. 处事独立, 具良好督导技巧及领导才能

    Independent, good supervisory skill and leadership skill

  19. 很难才能信赖他人,尤其对于具权威形象的人物。

    Have a difficult time trusting other people, especially authorityfigures.

  20. 其实食用真正健康又具减肥效果的减肥水果才是正途。

    In fact, eating a really healthy diet of fruit loss is the path.

  21. 看上去颇具领导才干

    and it looks like you're a real leader.

  22. 这一具理怎样才能实现呢?

    How will the truth be realized?

  23. 别看他小小年纪,却颇具将才。

    Though he is young, he is a good commander.

  24. 别看他小小年纪,却颇具将才。

    Though he is young, he is a good commander.

  25. 才能清洁用具,才能保持病人的生命

    to clean equipment, to keep people alive.

  26. 你必须兼具律师和会计师的才能。

    You need to be able to act both as a lawyer and an accountant.

  27. 有很强的领导才调并具很强的集体精神。

    Strong leadership skill while possessing a great teiham spirit.

  28. 我有很强的领导才能并具很强的集体精神。

    I have strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.

  29. 约翰身具才能,他会成功地处理这个问题。

    John's got something for him. he would succeed in tackling the problem.

  30. 他是兼具了传道士和政治家才能的人。

    He was a man who combined the gifts of preacher and politician.


  1. 问:才具拼音怎么拼?才具的读音是什么?才具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:才具的读音是cáijù,才具翻译成英文是 Aptitude.

