







汉语拼音:yì rì








  1. 明天。

    《汉书·武帝纪》:“翌日亲登 嵩高 ,御史乘属,在庙旁吏卒咸闻呼万岁者三。” 唐 白居易 《哀二良文序》:“十六年夏, 南阳 薨,翌日而难作。”《古今小说·宋四公大闹禁魂张》:“翌日,广设珍羞美饌,使人移在 金谷园 中,请 石崇 会宴。” 叶圣陶 《穷愁》:“ 松 母过於哀痛,年衰弗能胜,其翌日溘然长往。”



  1. The next day, the Argo reached the Symplegades, which rose up out of the sea like two strong towers.


  2. The next day, the mother and daughter reported the incident to the police who immediately arrested the stepfather.


  3. He was received with great friendliness when he called on the next day, when many civilities passed between the gentlemen.


  4. The family wakes the next morning to a horrific discovery: an unimaginably gruesome murder has taken place in their home.


  5. It intensified into a typhoon the next day and then headed slowly towards the north-northwest.


  6. The next day, the press was very surprised that this small-budget film running under 90 minutes won the main award, the Golden Bear.


  7. By 6 a. m. the next day, she was in a blind at the foot of a tree where Connell served as deer spotter and relayed information to her.


  8. It is a night for passion, but the morning means goodbye. Beware of what is flashing in her eyes. She's going to get you. . .


  9. If he wanted to commit suicide, why rehearse for his concert? And why will he want to see his dancers the next day?


  1. 翌日, 爱莉去见她的治疗师。

    Ally goes to see her therapist the next day.

  2. 翌日, 爱莉去见她得治疗师。

    Ally goes to see her therapist the next day.

  3. 舞会继续进行到翌日清晨才散。

    The party went on into small hours.

  4. 翌日, 海棠进一步移入内陆并且消散。

    Haitang moved further inland and dissipated the next day.

  5. 翌日, 两兄弟还骑骆驼穿越沙漠。

    The next day, the brothers take a camel ride through the desert.

  6. 直到翌日早上两点才回家呀。

    And do not go home until two in the morning.

  7. 汉城亚洲翌日派递截件时间。

    For Asia NextDay Service cutoff time in Seoul.

  8. 翌日, 事态发展到高潮, 酿成了悲剧。

    Events reached a tragic climax the following day.

  9. 翌日进占永新, 随即退回宁冈。

    On the next day we advanced and occupied Yunghsin, but withdrew to Ningkang shortly afterwards.

  10. 它分裂了弗舍尔翌日的子产业

    It splits up the component businesses of Fischer Morrow.

  11. 但是你们名片写着 你们确保翌日邮递。

    But your business card says you guarantee nextday delivery.

  12. 我们通常对商业船舶翌日付款收据。

    We usually ship on the business day following receipt of payment.

  13. 当晨风和阳光抚慰时,翌日重新来临。

    Started by daylight, Next morning light and airy.

  14. 翌日早上, 我在自己的床上醒来。

    I woke up in my own bed the following morning.

  15. 期限延展至第二次后的翌日,在翌日。

    The period extends to and expires on the day after that second sitting.

  16. 试音结果会在翌日以电邮通知。

    You will be notified of the result by email in the following day.

  17. 连绵阴雨致使翌日各项赛事被迫中止。

    Constant rain forced the abandonment of the next day's competitions.

  18. 于是, 翌日早晨, 自私的农夫前往智者那里。

    So the next morning, the selfish farmer left for the wise man's house.

  19. 翌日, 长靴猫的主人就和公主结婚了。

    The next day, the cat's master married the princess.

  20. 我们在那里住了一晚,并于翌日动身。

    We put there for the night and set out on the tomorrow.

  21. 翌日, 老农夫依照智者指示, 放出了驴子。

    The next day he let the donkey out of the hut under the direction of the wise man.

  22. 自名合格人士去世的日期翌日始的期。

    The date next following the date of death of the qualified persons.

  23. 战争翌日,晨曦往往照着赤身露体的尸首。

    The dawn which follows a battle always rises on naked corpses.

  24. 翌日, 姐姐告诉我她已经收到我寄出得信了。

    The next day, my sister told me that she had received my letter.

  25. 翌日,姐姐告诉我她已经收到我寄出的信了。

    The next day, my sister told me that she had received my letter.

  26. 翌日,姐姐告诉我她已经收到我寄出的信了。

    The next day, my sister told me that she had received my letter.

  27. 这将作为委员会翌日通过的程序性报告的附件。

    It would be annexed to the procedural report which the Committee would adopt the following day.

  28. 发作后,翌日凌晨不易转醒,且常伴有梦游症。

    After fit, the next day before dawn turns not easily wake, and constant companion has somnambulism.

  29. 翌日, 我不会再让她将手伸进我的盘子了。

    The second morning, I would not let her put her hand on my plate.

  30. 首都居民大多直到翌日上午才得知这一胜利消息。

    Most citizens in the capital did not learn of it until early the next morning.


  1. 问:翌日拼音怎么拼?翌日的读音是什么?翌日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:翌日的读音是yìrì,翌日翻译成英文是 Next day.


