


1. 内 [nèi]2. 内 [nà]内 [nèi]里面,与“外”相对:~部。~外。~定。~地。~阁。~行(háng )。~涵。称妻子或妻子家的亲戚:~人。~亲。~弟。亲近:~君子而外小人。内 [nà]古同“纳”,收入;接受。……


1. 扇 [shàn]2. 扇 [shān]扇 [shàn]摇动生风取凉的用具:~子。~坠(扇柄下端的装饰物)。~面儿。~形。指板状或片状的屏:门~。隔~。量词,用于门窗等:一~门。扇 [shān]摇动扇子或其它东西,使空气加速流动成风:用……



汉语拼音:nèi shàn






  1. 宫扇。宫廷仪仗用的扇子。

    唐 项斯 《旧宫人》诗:“宫釵折尽垂空鬢,内扇穿多减半风。”



  1. Fanusedinthe demolition of design, clean, convenient maintenance and safety.


  1. 湖底扇相可分为内扇中扇和外扇3个亚相。

    Sublacustrine fan facies includes inner fan, middle fan and outer fan subfacies.

  2. 平开门窗门窗扇向内开或向外开。

    smooth open the door window Door casement leaves upcountry or leave outwards.

  3. 记住关掉手机, 如果是在车内打盹, 开一扇车窗户。

    Remember to turn off your cell phone and, if you nap in your car, crack open a window.

  4. 那一扇门向内开。

    The door opens inward.

  5. 这扇心门不断的内、外开著,以致主的爱不停地流通著。

    All in all, this door of heart keep opening inward and outward to let the God's love flowing smoothly.

  6. 内肽酶与端肽酶水解扇贝边蛋白质工艺的研究

    Studies on the technics of enzymatic hydrolysis of protein in scallop skirts by using endoenzymes and exopetidases

  7. 这扇门可以在几分钟内被装到门框里去。

    The door can be fit on to the door frame in only a few minutes.

  8. 这扇门可以在几分钟内被装到门框里去。

    The door can be fit on to the door frame in only a few minutes.

  9. 我该再给她安上一扇窗,来撑开她内慵懒的眼。

    I should install anther window to open her slouchy eye.

  10. 有一扇房门被轻轻地关上, 楼上过道内响起脚步声。

    A door was closed softly, footsteps passed along the corridor above.

  11. 利内翰踮起脚尖,赶紧用毛样沙沙沙地扇了扇他的脸。

    lenehan, rising to tiptoe, fanned his face rapidly with the rustling tissues.

  12. 砰的一声,风关上了一扇房门,窗帘随风扬起,向屋内翻飞。

    With a slam, the wind closed one door while the curtain fluttered toward the room.

  13. 室内扇风机

    room blower.

  14. 内推下旋式窗扇

    hopper light

  15. 有一扇装在框内得窗。

    There is a window fitting in a casing.

  16. 有一扇装在框内的窗。

    There is a window fitting in a casing.

  17. 室内有两扇临街的窗, 铺着地板。

    The two windows of the room, which had a floor of wooden boards, gave on the street.

  18. 打开窗户并开启抽气扇,确保室内空气流通。

    Ensure that you have adequate ventilation by opening windows and operating exhaust fans.

  19. 浴室吊扇样式繁多的室内设计风格配合您的意愿。

    Bathroom ceiling fans come in a wide variety of styles to match your interior design wishes.

  20. 你能通过一扇小窗户观察实验对象在室内的反映。

    You could observe through a little window the reaction of the subject inside the chamber.

  21. 吊扇通常不提供所规定的能将室外空气引入室内的通风。

    Ceiling fans do not provide ventilation as defined as the introduction of outside air.