







汉语拼音:rě huò







  1. 亦作“ 惹祻 ”。招致祸患,闯祸。




  1. In the end Uriah Heep and his mother left Canterbury, but we all thought he was too evil to stay out of trouble for long.


  2. But stay at home! Why ask for trouble and cause your own downfall and that of Judah also?


  3. If all else fails set him on fire- proving once and for all you're king of the jungle.


  4. Maybe, but must depend on state of that time. As above saying for avoid to get some trouble, People don't dare to help them easily.


  5. Others claim "ATM phobia" after the Xu case, fearful a machine will spit out more than expected and land them in trouble as well.


  6. Do they provoke me to anger? Saith the LORD: do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces?


  7. The headmistress found her a great help and not a great nuisance .


  8. Anthony repeated court disaster, but after all, young, talented Superman , or the Nuggets built around the team.


  9. A helicopter from a local television station hovered over Dylan's property this week, capturing video of the offending toilet.


  1. 惹祸。自找麻烦

    To get oneself into trouble

  2. 我不曾惹祸上身

    I never used to be a troublemaker

  3. 那男孩总在惹祸。

    The boy is always starting something.

  4. 我得艺术是招灾惹祸得。

    My art was destructive.

  5. 我的艺术是招灾惹祸的。

    My art was destructive.

  6. 而这将令她惹祸上身。

    Which was about to cause her some trouble of her own.

  7. 你已经惹祸上身了, 家伙

    You have a whole lot of trouble, tough guy

  8. 嘿,我觉得肯定会惹祸上身

    Hey, I think it is badass.

  9. 你们这样一意孤行, 会惹祸上身。

    You do but plot your deaths by this device.

  10. 迪茨布里的惹祸精巫师说

    Warlock D. J. Prod of Didsbury says

  11. 只不过不想见你惹祸上身。

    I'm just trying to keep you out of trouble.

  12. 脚下滑一跤,胜过甜头惹祸苗。

    Better the foot slip than the tongue.

  13. 送礼不当可能会使你惹祸上身。

    Giving certain gifts could get you in trouble.

  14. 杰克喜欢开人玩笑,难免惹祸。

    Jack likes to play tricks on the other boys to start something.

  15. 这孩子老给父母招灾惹祸。

    This child is always making trouble for his parents.

  16. 你还是自己走吧,免得惹祸上身?

    Why don't you just move along before you get involved?

  17. 他性格粗莽,经常给家里惹祸。

    He is boorish and rash, so he always brings trouble to his family.

  18. 他性格粗莽,经常给家里惹祸。

    He is boorish and rash, so he always brings trouble to his family.

  19. 餐具,炊具使用不当也会惹祸上身

    There are also able to court yourself if you use tableware and cooking wrong

  20. 沃尔斯顿看来好像在招灾惹祸。

    Walston appears to be courting disaster.

  21. 走上工作感觉不错,不知不觉已经惹祸。

    Steps onto the work feeling to be good, unconsciously already courted disaster.

  22. 如果几年前, 他可能就变成惹祸精了。

    A few years ago, he would have become a nuisance.

  23. 因为外国人贿赂官员可能给我们惹祸上身。

    As foreigners bribing officials could get us into trouble.

  24. 他们偷了汽车原以为好玩,现在可惹祸了。

    They stole the car for a lark, but now they're in trouble.

  25. 我很可能因为告诉你那些事而惹祸上身

    I could get in a lot of trouble for telling you about the.

  26. 曾经有一个女士非常关心她惹祸的鹦鹉。

    There once was a lady who was very concerned about heer missing parrot.

  27. 这样我内外都惹祸, 那不是很糟糕的事吗?

    Isn't it so bad to me?

  28. 你真是牙尖嘴利, 总有一天会惹祸上身。

    You got a smart mouth, and it's gonna get you in trouble one day.

  29. 有个不断惹祸的青少年, 总在父母亲质问时认错道歉。

    A young teen who was constantly getting into trouble always apologized when his parents confronted him.

  30. 女校长觉得她是个得力的助手,而不是一个可能惹祸的人。

    The headmistress found her a great help and not a great nuisance.


  1. 问:惹祸拼音怎么拼?惹祸的读音是什么?惹祸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惹祸的读音是rěhuò,惹祸翻译成英文是 stir up trouble




拼音:rě huò基本解释[stir up trouble] 招来麻烦你就只会给我惹祸详细解释亦作“ 惹祻 ”。招致祸患,闯祸。《清平山堂话本·快嘴李翠莲记》:“姆姆休得要惹祻,这样为人做不过。”《西游记》第二回:“凭你怎么惹祸行凶,却不许说是我的徒弟。”《花月痕》第十四回:“这底下是惹祸的花容月貌,赚人的云魂雨梦。”