







汉语拼音:diàn niàn








  1. 思念;记挂。

    《儿女英雄传》第二回:“所喜接得几封家信,知道家中安静,公子照常读书,也就无可惦念了。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》九:“给你!不为别的,就为表表我的心,我惦念着你,疼你,护着你!” 张天翼 《儿女们》:“老头儿自己也惦念着女儿。”



  1. I believe that true friends don't care how much contact, but the heart will never forget, gladness of miss!

  2. We don't really miss them but, like an eccentric uncle, it's nice to see them for a bit and hear about what they are up to.

  3. You can't imagine how much I missed you.

  4. Do not say not to express not to keep thinking about, disappear not to express to be not cared, teacher, teacher's day joy! !

  5. These were the moments when she was thinking of her child; perhaps, also, of the man whom she had loved.

  6. Turned his head, but to look behind their eyes full of hope and expectations, remember they are full of words of encouragement and miss.

  7. The only thing that distracted me from the wonder of the trip was the terrible longing I felt for our cat Perry.

  8. Mr. A was a wonderful person and I will miss him more than I can say.

  9. A xing, the foolish girl, must be very disappointed if she knows you still have your ex-girlfriend in you heart.


  1. 我非常惦念她。

    I miss her terribly.

  2. 他母亲很惦念他。

    His mother misses him very much.

  3. 你父亲非常惦念你。

    Your father misses you dreadfully.

  4. 我们都将惦念她。

    We will all miss her.

  5. 她心一直惦念着他。

    Her heart ached for him.

  6. 我真的很惦念我的小岛!

    I really miss my island!

  7. 我一切都好, 您别惦念。

    Everything's fine with me. don't worry.

  8. 你非常惦念你的家人,是吗?

    You really miss your family, don't you?

  9. 她十分惦念年迈的老母亲。

    She is very anxious about her dear old mother.

  10. 他年迈的母亲时刻惦念著他。

    His elderly mother is always taking much think for him.

  11. 我妈妈常常问他什么让他惦念。

    My mother would ask him what was troubling him.

  12. 归根结蒂, 她还是惦念着他啊。

    After all, she cared for him.

  13. 有一个人可以惦念自己, 是幸福。

    Some person may worry about itself, is happiness.

  14. 她郁郁寡欢,显然在惦念自己的孩子们。

    She was very glum and was obviously missing her children.

  15. 也许漫步于非洲, 然而却惦念着我。

    Walking about in Africa maybe, but thinking of me.

  16. 便想起母亲正惦念着她的孩子

    And feel that my mother now thinks of her child

  17. 寄上无穷的惦念和最到家的祝愿, 们的儿。

    Warmest thoughts and best wishes from your daughter.

  18. 我们都很惦念你。当你回来时,我们将很高兴。

    We all miss you and shall be happy when you return.

  19. 相信轮回, 深深地惦念着与你再次相遇。

    Believe palingenesis, profoundly yearn encounter to you again.

  20. 我时时刻刻都在惦念你,并且分担你的悲伤。

    I am thinking of you every minute and sharing your grief.

  21. 北京寒冷、多情而浪漫的十一月,惦念你。

    The November of cold, amorous as well as romantic here in Beijing, think of you.

  22. 我在心里一直惦念著你,而且时时刻刻记著你。

    I've always kept you in my mind, and I always remember you in every moment.

  23. 我们会惦念你的。希望有一天会再见到你。

    We'll miss you. Hope to see you again someday.

  24. 多年来她因惦念儿子的安全一直忧虑不安。

    She has been smitten by anxiety for her son's safety for many years.

  25. 因我惦念着你宝贝, 我不要遗漏任何一件事情。

    Cause I miss you babe and I dont wanna miss a thing.

  26. 我想让你知道我一直深深爱着你, 我心里一直在惦念着你。

    I want you to know that I love you dearly and that I'll always carry you close to my heart.

  27. 别老惦念着孩子们, 他们已经长大, 自己会照顾自己了。

    Don't worry yourself about the children. They're old enough to take good care of themselves.

  28. 内人和我都在惦念你,并对你悲痛致上吊慰。

    My wife and I are all thinking of you and sympathizing in your grief.

  29. 要不是惦念我的花园,我会高高兴兴地搬回公寓。

    I could happily move back into a flat if it wasn't for the fact that I'd miss my garden.

  30. 他惦念她,这种心情超过他自己的想象,即使他有点生气。

    He had missed her more than he thought possible, despite his anger.


  1. 问:惦念拼音怎么拼?惦念的读音是什么?惦念翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惦念的读音是diànniàn,惦念翻译成英文是 worry about



惦念 diànniàn[worry about;be anxious about] 思念;记挂:想念他人。