


1. 曲 [qū]2. 曲 [qǔ]曲 [qū]弯转,与“直”相对:弯~。~折(zhé)。~笔(a.古代史官不按事实、有意掩盖真相的记载;b.写文章时故意离题而不直书其事的笔法)。~肱而枕。~尽其妙。不公正,不合理:~说。~解(jiě)。委……


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:qū shuō









  1. 片面之说。

    《管子·宙合》:“是故辩于一言,察于一治,攻于一事者,可以曲説而不可以广举。” 尹知章 注:“一曲之説。”

  2. 邪曲之说。

    《后汉书·桓谭传》:“陛下宜垂明听,发圣意,屏羣小之曲説,述五经之正义。”《梁书·许懋传》:“此纬书之曲説,非正经之通义也。”《清史稿·张煌言传》:“凭陵风涛,纵横锋鏑,今踰一纪矣,岂復以浮词曲説动其心哉?” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·论翻印木刻》:“所辩护的只是连环图画可以成为艺术,使青年艺术学徒不被曲说所迷,敢于创作,并且逐渐产生大众化的作品而已。”

  3. 不合常理的解说。

    清 杭世骏 《质疑·春秋问目答冯成章杨纶》:“以美恶不嫌同词解之,曲説也。” 清 俞樾 《茶香室丛钞·为人后者不入》:“后人不达此意,而説此记者,皆曲説不通矣。”

  4. 犹细说。

    明 杨慎 《鸢飞鱼跃》:“ 陈公 此言凿凿乎圣贤之真传,不待曲説旁喻而切於日用,是真知道明理之学也。”



  1. He immediately wrote a "farewell song, " said the Duke is to make a final farewell to a unique performance, the Duke agrees.


  1. 只知道莫扎特的安魂曲有死亡交响曲这一说么?

    To die by your side, is such a heavenly way to die.

  2. 意思说,可以在词曲、曲和制作方面有较大的控制权。

    Which means that I have a lot more control in terms of lyrics, music arrangement, and production.

  3. 可以说,我们一听到这个消息,就开始写他们两人的合唱曲了。

    Basically, the second we heard that, we already started writing their duet.

  4. 那曲棍球赛怎么说

    What about field hockey?

  5. 曲亚说你要结婚了。

    Chuyia says you're getting married.

  6. 歌唱是说带曲儿的话。

    Singing is speaking words with melody.

  7. 他说这就是盛大的交响曲的主旨。

    He says this is the motif of a grand symphony.

  8. 说一口流利的俄语流利地演奏这支奏鸣曲

    Speaks fluent Russian gave a fluent performance of the sonata.

  9. 请您说出柴油机曲拐箱爆炸的原因?

    Could you tell the main reason for crankcase explosion?

  10. 请您说出柴油机曲拐箱爆炸得原因?

    Could you tell the main reason for crankcase explosion ?

  11. 顺道说说,这是一个巧克力片玉米片曲奇!

    btw, its a Chocolate Chip Corn Flake Cookie!

  12. 有人说, 爱情, 难道是一支悠扬的小夜曲?

    Some people say that love, is it a melodious serenade ?

  13. 有人说, 爱情, 难道是一支悠扬得小夜曲?

    Some people say that love, is it a melodious serenade ?

  14. 让我们来说说这首历史性单曲的诞生。

    Take us to the origin of this historic song.

  15. 请您说出柴油机曲拐箱爆炸的缘故原由?

    Could you tell the main reason crankcase explosion?

  16. 请您说出柴油机曲拐箱爆炸得缘故原由?

    Could you tell the main reason crankcase explosion ?

  17. 是啊。要说起来啊,还是九曲溪的一大特色呢。

    A significant feature of the Nine Bend Stream.

  18. 这是莫扎特的小提琴协奏曲录制简直可以说是最好的。

    This recording of the Mozart violin concertos is quite simply the best available.

  19. 豪放的曲风, 彷佛述说著英雄传奇且精彩的一生。

    Grand music genre seemingly tells about the legendary life of hero.

  20. 可以说,它是一曲用石头谱写成的波澜壮阔的交响乐。

    A vast symphony in stone, so to speak.

  21. 把手一种曲形得金属操纵把手, 比如说在自行车上得。

    A curved metal steering bar, as on a bicycle. Often used in the plural.

  22. 它说它喜欢我们的风格,我们录制了自己的第一张单曲。

    Well,It'said it liked our style, and we recorded our first single.

  23. 把手一种曲形的金属操纵把手,比如说在自行车上的。

    A curved metal steering bar, as on a bicycle. Often used in the plural.

  24. 你们中谁能说出流行音乐中的曲式,任何一种

    Can anybody name a form of pop music, any one form

  25. 注意他没有说,你们将因犯罪而从恩曲中坠落。

    Notice he's not saying that you're going to fall away from grace if you sin.

  26. 而青春时代的友情,从某种意义上说是情感发育的序曲。

    Era of friendship and youth, in a sense is a prelude to emotional development.

  27. 抗生素对于曲弓热来说毫无用处, 因为它是病毒引起得。

    This is ineffective for chikungunya, which is caused by a virus.

  28. 男孩能伸能曲。用另一句话来说,是由大男人主义所致。

    Boys can stretch to music. With another sentence, it is caused by male chauvinism.

  29. 在杜克大学曲棍球员强奸案子中败诉的检察官说,他将辞职。

    Prosecutor in the failed Duke lacrosse rape case says he plans to resign his post.