






支着,支持:~竿跳。支~。~持(勉强支持)。~腰(喻给予有力支持)。~拒。~门面。用篙使船前进:~船。使张开:~伞。~口袋。使保持张开状态的器物:~子。~圈(quān )。饱胀到容不下的程度:吃~着了。口袋~破了。……



汉语拼音:fǔ wò chēng






  1. Eat breakfast, do some push-ups, get some sleep. Remember what I said earlier about good art coming from the body?


  2. Assume a position similar to that of a push-up, only bend your arms and support your body on your elbows and toes.


  3. If you are feeling up to it, add in a few sit-ups and push-ups.


  4. Firm as you file Pause from your papers with a few wall push-ups.


  5. I can't imagine anything more important for me to do than sets of push-ups with a bunch of enlisted Guardsmen .


  6. No doubt some of you can already do 50 consecutive push ups, but let's face it, you're in a big minority.


  7. Pick up a rock, toss it a couple times, pull your own body weight, then go running in the park.


  8. Count each time you return to the starting position as one push-up. Do as many push-ups as you can until you need to stop for rest.


  9. Take a couple of steps back so your body is at a slight angle and your weight is on your toes, and do three sets of 10 push-ups.


  1. 我每天做俯卧撑。

    I do push ups every day.

  2. 你能做几个俯卧撑?

    How many pushups can you do?

  3. 我一次能做100个俯卧撑。

    I can do 100 push-ups at a time.

  4. 我还做了50个俯卧撑,当然了

    I had to do 48 pushups. Ah. Of course.

  5. 试试俯卧撑,仰卧起坐和下蹲起立。

    Try pushups, abdominal crunches and leg squats.

  6. 提出挑战,如跑步比赛或俯卧撑。

    Do challenges, like races or pushup or pullup challenges.

  7. 手臂张开幅度很大的俯卧撑。

    a pushup with the arms widely separated.

  8. 做了一百个仰卧起坐,十个俯卧撑

    98 situps and 10 pushups.

  9. 蜥蜴是通过做俯卧撑来互相沟通的。

    Lizards communicate by doing pushups.

  10. 做俯卧撑是一项很好的锻炼。

    It is a good exercise to press your body up from the floor with your arms, and them lower it slowly.

  11. 做俯卧撑是一种好的锻炼方法。

    A good exercise is to press your body up from the floor with your arms, and then lower it slowly.

  12. 你还想赢一千个俯卧撑的大奖吗?

    And would you like to go for the grand prize of a thousand?

  13. 试试俯卧撑,引体向上,仰卧起坐和蹲起吧。

    Try pushups, pullups, abdominal crunches and leg squats.

  14. 我做力量训练,但我每次只能做5个俯卧撑。

    Wow. I do weight training but I can only do 5 push-ups at a time.

  15. 超出范围的每一分钟,我们必须做一个俯卧撑。

    Every minute above that, we have to do one pushup.

  16. 以俯卧撑姿势开始,使小腿胫骨位于平衡球上。

    Start in pushup position, but with your shins on a Swiss ball.

  17. 开始的时候,他连做一个俯卧撑的力气都没有。

    At the beginning, he couldn't even do one single push up.

  18. 做俯卧撑, 下蹲和弓步, 而不要整日坐着。

    Do some pushups, squats and lunges instead of sitting around all day.

  19. 超等长式俯卧撑练习对推铅球技术和成绩的影响

    The Exercise of Over Equilong Push up to the Effect of Shot Put Techniques and Results

  20. 可以考虑做做俯卧撑和腹部前屈运动, 也要记得做伸展运动。

    Consider doing push ups and abdominals, and remember to stretch.

  21. 他想作俯卧撑,一点也不行,连一毫米也撑不起来。

    He lay flat on his belly and tried to lift his weight by his hands.It was hopeless, he could not raise himself a centimetre.

  22. 开始在家锻炼。今天做了5组俯卧撑,5组仰卧起坐,和一些瑜伽

    Started working out at home. Did 5 sets of push-ups, 5 sets of sit-ups and some yoga today.

  23. 今天早上我听见他做俯卧撑后来还跟他的三头肌说话。

    This morning I heard him do pushups and then talk to his triceps.

  24. 当马丁做俯卧撑时, 他并没有撑起自己, 而是按下了地球。

    When Martin Skrtel does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down.


  1. 问:俯卧撑拼音怎么拼?俯卧撑的读音是什么?俯卧撑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:俯卧撑的读音是fǔwòchēng,俯卧撑翻译成英文是 pushups



“俯卧撑”是个多义词,它可以指俯卧撑(网络用语), 俯卧撑(健身运动的一种)。