







汉语拼音:qīng chún









  1. 清正纯洁。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·桓帝纪下》:“率由旧章,博选天下清纯之士达国体者,以补其虚。”《三国志·吴志·锺离牧传》“ 赤乌 五年……迁 南海 太守” 裴松之 注引《会稽典录》:“智勇分明,加操行清纯,有古人之风。” 唐 张九龄 《后汉徵君徐君碣铭序》:“体资清纯,动适玄妙。” 瞿秋白 《赤都心史》二八:“车的南头,坐着几位清纯修洁的女郎。”



  1. To many, she was like the innocent princess of a thousand fairy tales.


  2. Drag the mouse clothing and fashion accessories that this matter was pure for her dress.


  3. One of the reasons for her popularity was the fact that she was so elf like and had class, unlike the goddesses of the time.


  4. It's part of her clean-cut, Chinese girl-next-door image that seems to appeal to many in mainland China.


  5. Noelle describes herself on the website as 'a very sweet and innocent girl but with a bit of a naughty mind'.


  6. I miss you more than you can imagine You are all that is clean and cool and pure I close my eyes and fix my thoughts on you.


  7. During her debut, Jiyeon received a great amount of attention in having 'clear' and 'innocent' features - similar to that of Kim Tae Hee.


  8. We do not know whether it was also sitting in the classroom and our school was the same pure brother sister school?


  9. "He was caring and funny, honest, pure, non- jaded and a lover of life, " she said.


  1. 她一如百合般清纯。

    She is as pure as a lily.

  2. 山区的空气非常清纯。

    The air in the mountain district is very fresh and pure.

  3. 绿茶清纯芬芳,甘美醇和。

    Green tea has attractive fragrance and strong mellow taste.

  4. 龙井茶清纯芬芳,甘美醇和。

    Longjing tea is pure and fragrant and has a sweetish and mellow taste.

  5. 外观彩色清纯、亮丽透明、娇娜多姿。

    Exterior color purity, in terms of transparency, Jiaona scene.

  6. 听说龙井茶清纯芬芳, 口味甘美醇和。

    They say Longjing tea is pure and fragrant and has a sweetish and mellow taste.

  7. 十几岁正是女孩儿最清纯的年龄。

    The teenage girls are very pretty and innocent.

  8. 十几岁正是女孩儿最清纯的年龄。

    The teenage girls are very pretty and innocent.

  9. 女人,清纯的可以像天使,性感的像魔鬼。

    Woman can be pure like an angel, like a sexy devil.

  10. 像我的名字,永远清纯如水,鲜妍如花!

    Like my name, to be pure forever as water, fresh and gorgeous as flowers!

  11. 初冬我爱你!爱你的清纯,爱你的埋葬罪恶的情怀。

    Early winter, I love you! The pure love you, love your evil thoughts and feelings buried.

  12. 她天真, 丽有如电影中清纯玉女的典型。

    She was as simple and pretty as a film ingenue.

  13. 穿学院派风格得衣服, 清纯中带点性感。

    Dress preppy, but also a little bIt'sexy.

  14. 穿学院派风格的衣服,清纯中带点性感。

    Dress preppy, but also a little bit sexy.

  15. 让绿叶露珠清纯留在你最深的心里。

    Let clear and clean dews of green leaves stay deep in your heart.

  16. 她的眼神依旧清纯, 仿佛水晶般的纤尘不染。

    The look from her eye is still so pure, like a dustless crystal.

  17. 她现年十七岁,样貌清纯,读资讯科技系。

    She is 17 years old and looks simple, majoring in Information and technology department.

  18. 云卷云舒, 花开花落, 掩不住你清纯的身影。

    The elegant figures of yours will never fade with the passing of time.

  19. 清纯的果酸配合着轻微的橡木令酒体更和谐。

    This wine with a clean acid and subtle oak background.

  20. 清纯相映的白雪, 远道而来的姑娘, 生命本来的纯净。

    Purity White , pure snow and a girl from afarthe original purity of life.

  21. 爱犹如花冠上的露珠,只会逗留在清纯的灵魂里。

    Love, like dew on the corolla, only lingers in a pure soul.

  22. 莲花总是那麽清纯脱俗,皆因她出污泥而不染!

    Lotus is always pretty, pure, free from vulgarity as she emerges unsullied from the dirt.

  23. 精灵奇巧得雾凇千姿百态, 笨拙憨厚得灌木清纯天成。

    Kit Kat Wizard of thousands of Rime, the simple and honest clumsy shrubs pure heaven.

  24. 精灵奇巧的雾凇千姿百态,笨拙憨厚的灌木清纯天成。

    Kit Kat Wizard of thousands of Rime, the simple and honest clumsy shrubs pure heaven.

  25. 就我个人而言,我不希望华纳改变采洁清纯的风格。

    Personally, I hope Warner don't change Amber's innocent style.

  26. 我心不再如冰碎, 我心清纯如净水, 澄彻晶莹让您醉。

    My heart is not a piece of ice any more instead, a glass of pure water you say, makes you drunk.

  27. 她望着前方, 眼睛里流露出一种清纯, 一种空灵的虔诚。

    She looked at the front, the eyes reveal a pure, a Pious vacant.

  28. 清纯, 明快得白苏维翁, 具有很好得结构和宜人得余味。

    Clean, crisp, citric Sauvignon Blanc with a good backbone, and pleasing finish.

  29. 清纯,明快的白苏维翁,具有很好的结构和宜人的余味。

    Clean, crisp, citric Sauvignon Blanc with a good backbone, and pleasing finish.

  30. 鼠标拖动衣服和饰物到清纯时尚靓女身上为她打扮。

    Drag the mouse clothing and fashion accessories that this matter was pure for her dress.


  1. 问:清纯拼音怎么拼?清纯的读音是什么?清纯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清纯的读音是qīngchún,清纯翻译成英文是 Pretty and pure.; Fresh and pure.



清纯,形容词,意为清正纯洁,多形容女孩思想单一,纯洁。出自晋·袁宏 《后汉纪·桓帝纪下》