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汉语拼音:chéng shí
汉 王符 《潜夫论·实贡》:“夫高论而相欺,不若忠论而诚实。”《京本通俗小说·错斩崔宁》:“劝君出语须诚实,口舌从来是祸基。” 巴金 《谈<灭亡>》:“《灭亡》不是一本革命的书,但它是一本诚实的作品。”
《后汉书·郭太传》:“ 林宗 追而谢之曰:‘ 贾子厚 诚实凶德,然洗心向善。 仲尼 不逆 互乡 ,故吾许其进也。’”《古尊宿语录·云峰悦禅师初住翠岩语录》:“师云:‘从来丛林极有商量,或有道,须知 黄檗 有陷虎之机。又道,须知 南泉 有杀虎之威。若据与么説话,诚实苦哉。’”
Honesty is the only way that you and your spouse will ever come to understand each other.
诚实是伴侣间曾经能够了解彼此的唯一凭借途径。He is an honest man. even though I don't quite agree with him in some points.
虽然我和他在某些方面观点不同,但(我认为)他是一个诚实的人。He wanted to know if I'd been honest about what love was. He said he would one day get out of jail.
他想知道我对爱情的描述是否诚实无讹。If all men had as honest tongues, and no more promised what they did not mean to perform, there would be less wrong done in the world.
要是所有的男人都长着诚实可靠的舌头,不准备去做的事就不胡乱答应下来,世上的坏事就少了。Although lonely in a new land, he was described by his fellow workers and students as cheerful, of a friendly nature, honest, and modest.
虽然他单身一人,又处在异乡客地,但正如他的同事和学生描述的那样,他为人愉快开朗,温文尔雅,诚实谦虚。Joey said "I'm not real happy with it to be honest with you. "
乔伊说:“我不是真正的喜欢它必须与你诚实。”Don't think everyone is on the up and up with you. There're dishonest people around the world, got to be careful!
别以为每个人都对你诚实,这个世界上不诚实的人很多,得小心才是。If my eyes were open when he came in on such a predatory trip, he at once came up to me with an honest face, and climbed on and caressed me.
如果它在试图偷东西时,我的眼睛是睁着的,它会立刻向我走来,一脸的无辜和诚实,然后爬到床上来抱着我。" It'd be better all round if you get on with you work, " he said, the honest, bluff John Bull.